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Topics - RobertB

On Tue, April 30, 2024 4:33 pm, I wrote on various forums:

> The CLASS of 2025 is set for the weekend after Easter, 2025!  First
> payment sent to our venue -- the Burbank VFW hall at 1006 W. Magnolia
> Blvd, Burbank, California.  Friday set-up, April 25.

      Everything is on track for our April show!  We are celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Commodore 128 and the Amiga.

Our website is at

Today the Guests & Presentations page of the site got updated.  See

And the Prizes and Items For Sale page was updated, too.  See

          Robert Bernardo
          organizer - Commodore Los Angeles Super Show
Happy New Year, everybody!
    There will be Commodore and Amiga computers at the April 12 Los Angeles Maker Faire 2025!  Check the listing of our exhibit, Classic Los Angeles Computers! (CLAC!), at

        Happy New Year!
        Robert Bernardo
        Fresno Commodore User Group
        Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
    The websites of the Commodore Los Angeles Super Show and the Pacific Commodore Expo NW have been updated!  Check out CLASS 2025, set for April 26-27, at

    Check out PaCommEx 2025, set for June 21-22, at

    Both sites will continue to be updated, especially the news, presentations, exhibits, and prizes pages.

          Merry Christmas!
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group –

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network –

    Ray Carlsen still has many of his Commodore and Amiga power supplies for sale!  These heavier-duty items are just the thing you need to keep your Commodore or Amiga working reliably for years.

    As of early November, he had parts to build 30-50 of his "barebones" power supplies and parts to build 20-40 of each of the following power supplies --

plastic version
mini metal-cased version
deluxe metal-cased version

To see all the different power supplies, go to

He can put different output connectors onto the power supplies, whether you need the round C64/VIC-20 coaxial, the squarish Plus/4 connector, the squarish C128 connector, the squarish Amiga connector, and more.  He can customize the power supply to fit your needs!  (He loves to work on custom projects.)

    Not only does he do power supplies but he also makes Commodore 8-bit computer video cables, like the composite-audio RCA plug output cable, the separated chroma/luma audio RCA plug cable, the composite-svideo audio female 1/8" output cable (for modern, external, powered speakers), and more.  Just tell him what kind of cable you need.

          Merry Christmas!
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group -

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -

A few months ago Nybbles and Bytes released a new C128 game which uses 40-column and 80-column modes, Nybbles: Legend of the Drunken Snake. This is a description of it at the Patreon site --


June's first ever video game, made especially for the Commodore 128 series of computers!

How fast are you with the joystick? Nybbles: Legend of the Drunken Snake will certainly challenge your reflexes! Take turns with a friend to become the longest running snake player ever, dodging booze and eating apples, but be careful! Not everything is without consequences!

This is the digital download version of the game, which includes:

A PNG of the disk label

A PDF of the game manual

A D64 disk image of the game

A PRG program file of the game

Basically, it is a tricky Snake game in 40-columns followed by a Tetris game in 80-columns. A video of the game play can be found at

Specifically, in the video game play starts in at :34 secs to 5:04 and then resumes from 11:49 to 15:44.

If you have an early VDC in your C128, you will have to replace it with a later version in order to correctly see the 80-column screen.

To read how the physical version of the game was produced, read the blog at

To purchase a digital download of the game, go to

Merry Christmas!
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
The Other Group of Amigoids (TOGA) is no longer at .  You can find their new site at

TOGA concentrates on the Amiga, Commodore 8-bit, and other classic computers.

Merry Christmas!
Robert Bernardo
Herdware / C128 and 8 MHz Z80
November 16, 2024, 10:29 AM
On this page, there is a method to hack a faster Z80 in order to run CP/M faster.  See

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
Check out the Commodore, Amiga, and other computers at the Bay Area Maker Faire 2024.  Go to

Commodore, Amiga et al at Bay Area Maker Faire 2024

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
The C64 game, Orbix, has been released.  Read more about it at

As it says on the website, speed is doubled when used on a C128, resulting in smoother gameplay, and there is better deletion handling.

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
Today was the first day of the Amiwest Show 2024 in Sacramento, California.  Morning and early afternoon had seminars, and the late afternoon had a swap meet.  Go to

YouTube videos of the seminars later,
Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group -
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -

P.S. There was a C128DCR, a C64, a 1541, and a 1701/2 monitor at the swap meet!
(the first half of this article was originally posted in August when this board was not yet functioning)

    We've been accepted for an exhibit at the October 18-20 Bay Area Maker Faire 2024! Come and see the Commodore 8-bits, Amigas, and other computers at our booth named, "Vintage Computer Festivalers."

    Admittance to the Bay Area Maker Faire starts at $40 per day and on up.  Located at Historic Mare Island, 560 Nimitz Ave., Mare Island, California, USA,  the Bay Area Maker Faire runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday.  Mare Island is located across the bridge from Vallejo, California, which is off of Interstate 80 in the North Bay.
    As soon as more information comes in, I'll let you know the exact building and exact location within that building as to where our exhibit will be.

    Multiple buildings and hundreds of exhibitors at the faire,
    Robert Bernardo
    Fresno Commodore User Group -
    Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network –

(today's update)

    Tomorrow is set-up day for the Bay Area Maker Faire!  We'll have our tables in the vast Coal Shed 3.  With more table space compared to the Rocklin Maker Faire, we have more flexibility to set up the hands-on exhibits.  From my collection comes

Amiga 1200 '040 with OS 3.9
Ultimate 64
AmigaOne A1222+
Tandy 102 with Tandy disk drive
Atari 520ST with SFS-354 disk drive and Gotek

From Jerold K.
Commodore 64 with Incredible Musical Keyboard

From Duncan M.
various Japanese-only computers (X68000?)

From Christopher S.
Acorn computer

        The computer list may change,
        Robert Bernardo
        Fresno Commodore User Group -
        Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -
Hi, everybody,
    Photos and a short video of the Commodores and Amigas at the October 12 Rocklin Maker Faire are posted.  Go to

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group -

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network -

(This was announced back in mid-July, but this board wasn't back up at that time.)

Hey, we've been accepted for an exhibit at the October 12 Maker Faire Rocklin 2024! Come and see the Commodore 8-bits, Amigas, and other computers at our booth named, "Classic Sacramento Area Computers – CSAC!"

Here is a description from the Maker Faire Rocklin home page, "From engineers to artists to scientists to crafters, Maker Faire is a venue for these 'makers' to show hobbies, experiments, projects."

The Maker Faire Rocklin is a free event located at Sierra Community College, 5100 Sierra College Blvd., Rocklin, California, USA. The Maker Faire runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.. Rocklin is located on Interstate 80, 22 miles northeast of Sacramento.

To see information on our exhibit, go to

(And now for the current announcement...)

Just a couple of days to the Maker Faire Rocklin! Packing starts tonight for set-up tomorrow afternoon. On the 2 tables, this is what is to be exhibited at the Classic Sacramento Area Computers - CSAC! --

Amiga 1200 '40 with OS 3.9
Ultimate 64
AmigaOne A1222+ (hey, that's new!)
Atari 520ST with SF354 external disk drive and Gotek
Tandy 102 with Tandy Portable Disk Drive

Back-up computers (just in case of the above failing)
Amiga 600 with OS 3.2
brown Commodore 64 with TeensyROM
Atari 800XL with external disk drive

Robert Bernardo
Fresno Commodore User Group –
Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network –
Happy National Bunny Day, C= and Ami aficionados!
    The Fresno Commodore User Group has its traditional "picnic" lunch from 11 a.m. to 1+ p.m., Sunday, Oct. 6, at

Andiamo Ristorante Italiano
1275 Shaw Ave., #120 (across from the Sierra Vista Mall)
Clovis, CA 93612
(559) 298-3196

    Secretary/Treasurer Dick E. recommends the calzone – a meal in itself!  :)
    All members of FCUG and their families are invited, and the club will pay for the lunch.
    We won't necessarily be talking about Commodore and Amiga computers, but I will bring the latest FCUG Interface newsletter to distribute.

        See you at the lunch!
        Robert Bernardo
        Fresno Commodore User Group -
Greetings, C= and Ami aficionados!
     The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 1+ p.m., Sunday, March 20, at our usual location --

          The Pizza Pit Restaurant
          2705 N. Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Princeton)
          Fresno, California

     On the agenda is programming with a look at DotBASIC Plus on disk (courtesy of Alan Reed) and Comal 2.0 on cartridge.  Then we'll peek into 2 gigs of Commodore .D64 goodness on a SD card (courtesy of Charles Gutman).  Bring a 2+ gig SD card if you want a copy of that.
     We'll also see some raw video from the March 5 SC3 Arcade Party (including concert footage of 8-Bit Weapon and ComputeHer) which was held in Alhambra, California.  See you at the meeting!

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

------------------Original message--------------------
From: Alan Reed
Date: Wed Mar 02, 2011 10:47 pm

I'm happy to announce that DotBASIC Plus is being re-released as a free download.  [Formerly, DotBASIC Plus was an item sold by Dave Moorman of

If you enjoy programming in BASIC, but would like to put a little more "oomph" into your projects, you owe it to yourself to check it out.

Get it at

Depending on the interest shown, I'll be posting more tutorials, etc. on my blog in the future.



My Commodore Blog
---------------- Original Message -------------------
From:    nigel parker
Date:    Tue, March 8, 2011 5:15 am

Everyone knows that

"All the Best things come in 3`s"

So that's why I have released the
next 1 issue of Commodore Free!

Hm-mm sounded funnier in my head
than on an email.

Text and articles for the next issue
are most welcome; please contact me
for information; details are available

Goes and hides under a rock for some
considerable time before emerging to
eat some lettuce.

Makes a mental note on the lines.
Jokes need to be funny.

And sulks off into his hole.

       Commodore Free Magazine

       Issue 48, February 2011

      Free to download magazine
  dedicated to Commodore computers
  Available as PDF, HTML, TXT, SEQ,
      D64 disk image and now as
        ePUB and MOBI e-book


* Editorial
* Readers Comments
  - PET+C64 in 25 Most Important PCs
  - Amiga Programmer for PageStream 5
  - Sideways SEUCK Compo 2011
  - Commodore Server Update
  - Fantasia's Return BBS Test Run.
  - Plus/4 / C16 Technical Documents
  - Arcade Retro Gaming Newsletter
  - Tiger-Disk #171 available
  - PixelJam Demoparty at Notacon 8
  - Aros Broadway 0.0.2R11
  - HVMEC 1.0 Released
  - The C64 - Archiv Updated
  - AmigaOS 4.1 Classic Promo Video
  - Contiki 2.5rc1 Released
* Interview With MIRKOSOFT
* Where Are They Now
* Multimedia With The CDTV
* C16 Programming
* Back to the Past: Issue 9, Jun 2007


Nigel Parker

Commodore Free Magazine
Commodore Computer club U.k.
     Photos of the February 19 Netherlands Commodore Show are now on-line.  Go to the series of pics, starting at

               FCUG celebrating 30 years,
               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group
               The Other Group of Amigoids
               Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

     A long time in the making but now available for your viewing pleasure - photos from the Oct. 22-24 AmiWest Show 2010 held in Sacramento, California.  To see the 25th anniversary Amiga celebration, go to

               FCUG celebrating 30 years,
               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group
     It's been awhile, but the SC3 Arcade Party is back with a vengeance!  The Southern California Classic Collectors have their party in a new location, Saturday, noon to midnight, March 5 at the Nucleus Art Gallery, 210 E. Main St., Alhambra (Pasadena area), California.  Enjoy the dozens and dozens of classic arcade machines set on free play, the many classic gaming consoles and computers (like Commodore 64 and Amiga), and the classic, live chiptune music from various artists, including Mr. Spastic, Wizwars, and most notably, 8-Bit Weapon, the C64/128 musicians who have released several music CDs.  Don't forget that there will be a trading area to buy and trade your classic goods.  For more information, go to

     For SC3 Arcade Party discussion, go to

     Pre-registration is $10 until March 1; registration at the door is $15.  To register, go to

          Let's party!
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

          The Other Group of Amigoids

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

Happy Valentines Day, C= and Ami aficionados!
     The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 1+ p.m., Sunday, February 20, at

          Panera Bread Restaurant
          1260 Shaw Avenue
          Clovis, CA 93612
          (559) 325-0290

Note the new meeting place for this month; our usual meeting place at the Pizza Pit will be filled with Daytona 500 fans!  :)  Because this is a Panera Bread, there is free Wi-Fi.
     Last month we looked through various Commodore forums on the Net; this month we'll go over some Amiga forums.  Also delayed from last month, we'll go through some of disks from the disk library of the Fort Ord Commodore UserS (FOCUS) of Seaside, California.  New on agenda will be Payton Byrd's video demonstrating CBM-Command v2.0 and the humorously wild Commodore Italy commercial.  Further discussion topics will cover the March 5 SC3 Arcade Party in Alhambra, California, and the April 15-17 Notacon 8/PixelJam Demoparty in Cleveland, Ohio.
     See you at the meeting!

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

YouTube videos / Commodore Italy commercial
February 16, 2011, 06:04 AM
     A few days ago, Facebook friend, Tomas M., told me about this video.  I viewed it and was amazed.  I showed it at last Sunday's SCCAN meeting, and everyone agreed that it was weird! ("strano" in Italian)  Click below to enjoy this Commodore Italy commercial --

               FCUG celebrating 30 years,
               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group

     MaximumPC has listed their choices for the "25 Most Important PCs in History".  The Commodore PET is at #10, and the Commodore 64 is at #19.  To see the gallery of the 25 computers, go to

          FCUG celebrating 30 years,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

          The Other Group of Amigoids

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

GEOS / GEOS at a higher speed
February 10, 2011, 03:06 AM
Hello, everybody, and especially GEOS gurus!
     I just received an inquiry from CBM engineer, Bil Herd.  He wants to know "how well [you] think the GEOS code would work at 12mhz...".  That is, if there is  "access to local static ram @ 12Mhz (gets written to C64 dram by caching mechanism)" and "access to I/O â€" 1 Mhz".
     If you have an answer, please post it here, and then I will forward the message to Bil or direct Bil to this thread.

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

     Though more details are to come, a rare C128 paint program will be distributed at the July 23-24 CommVEx v7 in Las Vegas.  You can see the original notice of this at

               FCUG celebrating 30 years,
               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group
               The Other Group of Amigoids
               Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
------------------ Original Message ------------------
From:    "PDXCUG Admin" <>
Date:    Mon, February 7, 2011 3:20 pm

Hello, PDXCUG Fans!

If you are unable to attend our meeting, we'll be chatting LIVE on CommodoreServer via Group Zork's chat interface. Please feel free to join us in the C64 room - you can use the Group Zork program to chat - here's how to get online with either a Comet64 or VICE:


We're meeting somewhere new because:
- The group is getting bigger
- We need more space
- We need it a bit quieter in order to work on our projects (see agenda below)

Will this become our permanent home? We'll see - depends on what members say about it.


Next Meeting:
Thursday, February 10, 2011 @6:00 pm
More info & location:

This month's meeting will be a little bit different.

No presentations.
No guest speakers.
Lots of tinkering.

Bring any Commodore-type project to tinker with:
- Soldering
- Hacking
- Coding
- Exploring new hardware
- Repair
- Cleaning of equipment

Whatever you feel like working on - this will give you a chance to break out those old projects or the ones you've been putting off.

Oh - we'll also have plenty of working computers to play around with and to play games on.

I am going to do the following for my tinker time:
- modify my Commodore MAX Machine so that I can hook it up to my 1701 monitor.
- read some EPROMs from a strange Commodore card with my Promenade
- clean my PET keyboard
- repair a Commodore keyboard

Do you have something similar to do?

What you can bring:
- Equipment that you want to share, diagnose, fix, or just show off
- Cool Commodore gear or software to show off
- Your significant other - plenty for all to do and enjoy

Missed Last Month's Meeting? Here's our meeting highlights:

See you there,
- Goog

PDXCUG is Portland's Official Commodore Users Group
Serving the greater metropolitan area - Portland, OR USA
Meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month
Twitter: @pdxcug
Happy Valentine's Day!
     We have another SCCAN meeting in the northern Los Angeles area on Sunday, February 13, from 2 p.m. to 4+ p.m. (well, the last meeting went 'til 9:30!).  If you wish to attend, send me an e-mail for the exact location.
     I'll bring my Amiga 3000 for examination and C= items I bought from Computer Station in Long Beach and the 4Jays in Antioch.  Don't forget to bring your Commodore and Amiga goodies to show off/demonstrate.  Also if the weather stays good, we'll have another barbecue.  See you at the meeting!

          Speaking for SCCAN,
          Robert Bernardo
          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

Commodore News & Events / CommodoreServer News (fwd)
February 06, 2011, 03:55 PM
---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: CommodoreServer News
From:    " Admin" <>
Date:    Sat, February 5, 2011 2:13 pm

We just wanted to let you know about some recent changes or additions that will enhance your experience with CommodoreServer and/or the Comet64 Internet Modem.

Updated V-1541
There is a new update to V-1541. You should stop using the old one and download the newest version. You can run the V-1541UPDATE program on your V-1541 disk to update the V-1541 program or download it from the following location:

There are a few enhancements as well as a minor bug fix. One of the best enhancements is the ability to login with a new symbol.  Just type the following to log in:


where USERNAME is either your email address or screen name, depending on how you have it configured in your account on  PIN is the numeric value you assigned in your account.

Use WinVICE 2.2 with CommodoreServer
VICE has really made good strides on getting their user port emulation working.  This is good news for users of CommodoreServer because it enables you to use VICE just like you were using a Comet64-enabled Commodore 64 with V-1541.  Other emulators in the series also works well, such as the Vic-20 and Commodore 128.  However, V-1541 is only compatible with the Commodore 64 at this time - new versions for other platforms will be released soon, so stay tuned.

Here's how to get VICE working as if it had a Comet64 attached to it:

CommodoreServer's Gaming Service
A new service is available on Commodore for both playing online games as well as developing new games with multi-player functionality. One game has already been released as a BETA to run it through its first paces (see next entry below). Here is a brief overview of CommodoreServer's Gaming Service:

More information on the API will become available soon so you can start creating your own online, multi-player games.

Play Group Zork
This is the first game to take advantage of CommodoreServer's Gaming Service.  It was created by Agent Friday and it is written mostly in BASIC.  It just goes to show that even BASIC can perform well enough to play multi-player games over the Internet.

This game can be played in VICE or directly from your Comet64-enabled Commodore 64.  What's really fun about this game is that you can play a game and have other people in the room watch you.  They will be able to see the commands you type as well as the responses from Zork.  Grab some friends or play solo.  Or just load it up and see if anyone else is playing.

For more information, see:

Coming Soon
- From 2400 baud to 38.4K - is it possible to reach such speeds on a C64? Agent Friday thinks so and has a promising first attempt. He's been busy with Group Zork, but will soon be working on a solution for you to have blazingly fast speed with your Comet64.

- V-1541 for other platforms - we currently have a limited version in the works for the Vic-20 and will soon release it.  A version for the Commodore 128 is not far off, either.  V-1541 on RR-NET is possible and we have a beta version of that as well, but since RR-NET's TCP/IP stack resides in Commodore's memory, it takes up a lot of space and limits the use. Another good reason to have a Comet64!

- Information about CommodoreServer's API for the Gaming Service to be posted soon, so keep watching the CommodoreServer blog.
     The game, Star Wars, is compared across various platforms which includes the arcade version, the Atari 2600, the Atari 5200, the Commodore 64, the Colecovision, the ZX Spectrum, and the Sega 32x.  To see the 12-minute video, go to

               FCUG celebrating 30 years,
               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group
               The Other Group of Amigoids
               Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
----------------- Original Message ------------------
Subject: Commodore Free issue 47
From:    nigel parker
Date:    Thu, January 27, 2011 8:21 am

Issue 47 also available as Ebook versions -
(EPUB) And (MOBI) formats

       Commodore Free Magazine

       Issue 47, January 2011

      Free to download magazine
  dedicated to Commodore computers
  Available as PDF, HTML, TXT, SEQ
         and D64 disk image


* Editorial
  - Games That Weren't Update
  - Commodore Keytar
  - ZoomFloppy ready for pre-order
  - SCACOM Aktuell #20/21 out
  - High Voltage SID Collection 54
  - Arcade Retro Gaming
  - 2011 C64-RetroInvaders calendar
  - Amiga Forever / C64 Forever 2011
  - Plus4: Club Info 120 Released
  - Attitude Disk Magazine
  - dtv2ser 0.5 Released
  - BOH update14 Released
  - 1541 Ultimate Firmware Version 2
  - More Commodore Videos
  - YC C16/Plus4 Special Edition
  - YC C16/Plus4 Programmers Edition
  - AresOne Update
  - CBM-Command Version 2.0 Beta 1
  - Nanako In Japanese Monster Castle
  - Plus 4: 256k Memory Expansion
  - The Rear Admiral
  - Eway10: 3 New C64 Adventure Games
  - ZTerm Terminal Client For C64
  - Theater Of War WW2 (VIC20)
  - Chameleon 64
  - DiscreetFX Platform Shift
  - On the Edge: the Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore
  - uIEC Change Device Program
  - sd2iec Firmware
* Interview With Alf Yngve
* Build Your Own RGBI>S-Video Adaptor
* Commodore 16 Programming
* 1000 Kung Fu Maniacs
* Back to the Past - Issue 7

Nigel Parker

Commodore Free Magazine
Commodore Computer club U.k.
     The Netherlands Commodore Show reappears on Saturday, February 19, at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, Maarssen, Holland from 10:00 'til 16:00.  Delayed from the December show, the prizes for the most innovative Commodore and Amiga hardware and software creations of the last few years will be awarded.
     The show will first start off with the HCC Commodore annual general meeting from 10:00 to 10:45.  After the general meeting, the show will continue for the rest of day with Commodore and Amiga computers dotting the tables.  As usual, there will be a sales corner.  Ruud Baltissen will present a hacking workshop.
     For more information, go to

               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group
               The Other Group of Amigoids
               Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

---------------- Original Message -------------
Subject: Reminder: Meeting & Agenda - January 13, 2011
From:    "PDXCUG Admin" <pdxcug(at)>
Date:    Wed, January 12, 2011 9:21 am

Happy New Year, PDXCUG Fans!

Oh, this next meeting's agenda is full, full, FULL, but we like it that way!

Next Meeting:
Thursday, January 13, 2011 @6:00 pm
More info & location:

- Guest Speaker: Former Atari Manager will shed some light on her days working at Atari and the products she managed
- Presentation: Buddy Assembler on the C128
- Demo: SID Player App for CommodoreServer
- Demo: Easy Flash Cartridge
- Demo: Using V-1541 with VICE
- Demo:'s Multi-Player Gaming Protocol
- Demo: A new Internet-based game on
- Show & Tell: TurboMaster - 4MHz on the Commodore 64!
- Gaming: Tons of games to play, featuring all your favorite arcade classics

Hardware that will be Available:
- Networked Commodore 64s
- Commodore 128
- Atari 2600
- Intellivision
- MSD Dual Disk Drive
- Comet64 Internet Modems
- sd2iec
- MMC64 with RR-NET
- C64NIC+
- Games, games, games

What you can bring:
- Equipment that you want to share, diagnose, fix, or just show off
- Cool Commodore gear or software to show off
- Your significant other - plenty for all to do and enjoy

Missed Last Month's Meeting? Here's our meeting highlights:

See you there,
- Goog

PDXCUG is Portland's Official Commodore Users Group
Serving the greater metropolitan area - Portland, OR USA
Meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month
Twitter: @pdxcug
Happy New Year, C= and Ami aficionados!
     The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 1+ p.m., Sunday, January 16, at

     The Pizza Pit Restaurant
     2705 N. Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Princeton)
     Fresno, California

     We now have Wi-Fi at the Pizza Pit!  If you have a laptop computer, bring it along.  This month we'll check out various Commodore and Amiga forums on the Net.  Then we'll go through some of disks from the disk library of the Fort Ord Commodore UserS (FOCUS) of Seaside, California.  (FOCUS was a user group which existed from the late 1970's to the mid-1980's.)  I can see that we'll be running out of meeting time, but I'll try to squeeze in the following --

* a first look at A1000 IDE adapter (Amiga hard drive on CompactFlash, bought from Tom Thul)
* Outworld game cartridge for the VIC-20 (bought from in Antioch, California)
* the 64K Quick Brown Box for the C64 and C128 (bought from Computer Station in Long Beach, California)
* various C64 and VIC-20 bits and bobs
* more CommVEx 2011 talk

          FCUG celebrating 30 years,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group


     Get set for another rocking demoparty in North America!  It's the PixelJam Demoparty to be held during Notacon 8 in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A, April 14-17.  Join the hundreds of attendees who will be descending upon the Hilton Garden Inn Hotel on those dates.
     Get those demo entries in!  PixelJam is looking for demos ranging from the most modern to oldschool.  For the Commodore and Amiga enthusiasts, your entries can be in the oldschool, wildcard, or music compos.  Here is some more info, straight from the Notacon blog, "PixelJam will feature a total of 9 compos ranging from music to animation to traditional demos. Notacon itself has pledged over $1,500 in total prize money, with more prizes to be announced as we secure sponsorship deals. We are also dedicating 2,500 square feet of conference space to a coding lounge and projection space. This space will be expanded by an additional 3,000 square feet for demo screenings on Saturday night the 16th."
     Play with the other happy people in the Video and Board Gameroom.  Open 24 hours a day, the gameroom will have everything from the most modern consoles to Commoodore and/or Amiga computers.  Listen to the various presentations from those at Notacon 8.  Try to get on the broadcast at Notacon Radio.  Check out the Notacon hacking room.  Or hang out in the Notacon Ham Radio room or in the coding lounge.
     For more information, go to the Notacon website at

                 FCUG celebrating 30 years,
                 Robert Bernardo
                 Fresno Commodore User Group
Subject:     From 5C Newsletter
From:  Al Jackson


   The Clark County Commodore Computer
   Club meets on the 4th Saturday of
   each month at the Nevada Energy
   Building, Wengert room 6226 W Sahara
   Ave. Las Vegas, Nevada at 9 AM.
   Meeting dates for 2011 are:

                JAN 22
                FEB 26
                MAR 26
                APR 23
                MAY 28
                JUN 25
                JUL 23
                AUG 27
                SEP 24
                OCT 22
                NOV 26
                DEC 24

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General chat / Another joins the C128 fold
December 29, 2010, 12:28 PM
     it was a good day yesterday.  One of our FCUG members, Alfredo M., decided to take the plunge and graduate from the C64 to the C128.  From storage, I brought him a flat C128, Magnavox 40/80-column monitor, 2 1571 disk drives and cables, a 512K ram expander, 1351 mouse, 80-column video cable, 40-column video cable, a GEOS 64 v2 package, a virgin (!) GEOS 128 v2 package, and a GEODex package, and a GEOS Desk Accessories package.  I helped him set up the system, showing him the all-important reset switch on the side of the C128 and the 40/80 column button on the top of the computer.  Now he is going about the wonders of the C128 as a C128 newbie.  :)
     He also paid a fair sum, the money going to pay off CommVEx v7 2011.

            I should dig out a C128 User's Manual for him, too,
            Robert Bernardo
            Fresno Commodore User Group
            The Other Group of Amigoids
            Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
     And here are the photos from the Dec. 18 Netherlands Commodore Show, which was held in Maarssen.  Go to

          Merry Christmas,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

          The Other Group of Amigoids

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

    Here are two sets of photos from the December 4 World of Commodore Expo which was held in Toronto, Canada.  The first set is from Fuzz.  Go to

The second set, which is from Dan Kovacs, is at

          Merry Christmas!
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

          The Other Group of Amigoids

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

Merry Christmas, C= and Ami fans!
     The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 1+ p.m., Sunday, December 19, at

          The Pizza Pit Restaurant
          2705 N. Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Princeton)
          Fresno, California

This month we'll elect club officers and talk of various Commodore hardware projects. We'll investigate more C= ham radio goods; this time the AEA Com Pakratt cartridge and the AEA Com Fax cartridge, both for the C64 (how much more ham radio stuff can I find?!).
     If all goes well, we'll install the new Rear Admiral upgrade chips and DOS into a classic Lt. Kernal hard drive and the Rear Admiral MMU adapter into a C128.
     Finally, in another blast from the past, we'll do some dot-matrix printing by using the C64 program, Printmaster v2, and a Citizen 200GX 9-pin printer.

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

------------- Original Message ----------------
From:    "PDXCUG Admin" <pdxcug(at)>
Date:    Wed, December 8, 2010 11:52 am

Happy Holidays, PDXCUG Fans!

We have another SWEET meeting lined up for you - just check out this awesome agenda. Meeting
Thursday, Dec. 9, 2010 @6:00 pm
More info & location:

- Gaming: Tons of games to try, featuring all your favorite arcade classics
- Presentation: Guest speaker and former Activision employee will talk to us about what it was like in
the early days of game development and the politics that went on behind the scenes.
- Demo: Rare auto-boot ROMs for your 1540/1541 - put a disk in the drive, turn on the computer and watch it auto-boot!
- Show & Tell: A variety of 3rd party disk drives to compare against the 1541
- Show & Tell: Cracker carts & fast loaders
- Show & Tell: Lots of new and interesting hardware to check out
- For fun: After the Activision presentation, we'll compare some of the games on different consoles, such as the Atari 2600, MAME, Intellivision, C64, Vic-20 and more.

Hardware that will be Available:
- Commodore 64
- VIC-20
- Atari 2600
- Intellivision
- MSD Dual Disk Drive
- Comet64 Internet Modems
- sd2iec
- MMC64 with RR-NET
- C64NIC+
- Blue Chip Floppy Drive
- Enhancer Floppy Drive
- Cardco Card Drive

What you can bring:
- Equipment that you want to share, diagnose, fix, or just show off
- Cool Commodore gear or software to show off
- Your significant other - plenty for all to do and enjoy

See you there,
- Goog

PDXCUG is Portland's Official Commodore Users Group
Serving the greater metropolitan area - Portland, OR USA
Meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month
Twitter: @pdxcug

     It's the last Commodore/Amiga show of 2010!  It's the Netherlands Commodore Show, coming Saturday, December 18.  The show will be at the Trefpunt, Kerkweg 21, in Maarssen, Holland from 10:00 until 16:00.
     Prizes will be given for the most innovative hardware and software creations of the last few years.  AmigaScene (with a lot of Amiga computers) will be present.  There is a big C= flea market, and there's the C= lottery with beautiful prizes.  You can win a 1581 disk drive, C- shirts, or a Christmas box full of food!
     Because of the Christmas season, all visitors are asked to show up with little, tabletop christmas trees, decorations, etc.
     For more information, go to

               Robert Bernardo
               Fresno Commodore User Group

Merry Christmas, C= and Ami fans!
     We have another SCCAN meeting on Sunday, December 12, from 2 p.m. to 4+p.m..  For information on how to get to our meeting place, send me an e-mail.
     Because it's Christmas time, it's time to play.  I'm bringing C64 and Amiga games.  If you come to visit us, don't forget to bring your Commodore and Amiga goodies to show off/demonstrate. See you at the meeting!

     Speaking for SCCAN,
     Robert Bernardo
     Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network
YouTube videos / Amiwest Show 2010 videos
December 06, 2010, 03:30 PM
     For those who like Amiga computers and who could not get to the Amiwest Show 2010 on October 23-25, I've posted my entire video series of presentations and keynote speeches.  Here they are --

Around the Amiwest Show 2010

Carmona at Amiwest Show 2010

Krueger at Amiwest Show 2010

Sadlik at Amiwest Show 2010

Sassenrath at Amiwest Show 2010 - part 2

Steve Solie at Amiwest Show 2010

Sassenrath at Amiwest Show 2010 - part 1

Dickinson, Hermans, Luck at Amiwest Show 2010 banquet

Ben Hermans and the Friedens at Amiwest Show 2010

Trevor Dickinson, Ben Hermans at Amiwest Show 2010

     A brief description of what each video is about is at each link.

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

          The Other Group of Amigoids

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

-------------- Original Message ---------------
Subject: COMMODORE FREE issue 46 available
From:    nigel parker
Date:    Thu, December 2, 2010 12:38 am

NO DECEMBER ISSUE! Nest issue will be in January.
Happy Christmas AND Happy New Year!

       Commodore Free Magazine

       Issue 46, November 2010

      Free to download magazine
  dedicated to Commodore computers
  Available as PDF, HTML, TXT, SEQ
         and D64 disk image


* Editorial
  - 1,000 Kung-Fu Maniacs!
  - Amiga Monthly Page 16
  - Not Just Another D64 Viewer
  - Joyport switcher
  - Nova Master A1000SA
  - Kickstart ROM Replacement
  - HyperViper
  - The Richard Joseph Tribute
  - More videos from CommVEx v6 2010
  - Amiga Hostile Breed Preserved
  - Blitterwolf Monthly Pages
  - C64 TrueType V1.0/Style Options
  - Commodore PET Synth
  - IBatch 1.0
  - WinUAE 2.3.0 Released
  - Chuck Norris [2010]
  - 5ALAD "Low res. graphics"
  - The TPUG Library CD
* Interview with Joan Malé
* MCC-216 Review
* Not Just Another D64 Viewer Review
* MCC Quick Looks
* Back to the Past - Iss. 7, Apr 2007

Nigel Parker

Commodore Free Magazine
Commodore Computer club U.k.
----------------Original message----------------
From: Brian Bagnall
Date: 29-Nov-2010

Hi everyone.

I’m happy to report that my new book, Commodore: a Company on the Edge, is now available from This is a heavily reworked edition with about 40% new material. Before starting this project I made a list of everything that I would have liked to include in the first edition. The main areas I wanted to work on were: more interviews to fill in gaps in the story, reorder the material chronologically, and add more period photographs. It was very important to me to put all this material in the right order so readers could read a coherent, chronological retelling of Commodore history. This time you can relive the Commodore experience in real-time.

Originally, the goal was to keep the same page count as the first edition. That turned out to be overly optimistic. After 15 new interviews and a lot of new stories, plus numerous pictures, there was no way to make it all fit. As a result, the story has been split in two. The first book ends in 1984 when Jack Tramiel is forced out of the company and the next book will focus on the Amiga years and Commodore’s eventual demise.

There are many new firsthand interviews:
Brian Dougherty â€" GEOS developer
John Feagans â€" PET developer
Andy Finkel â€" Commodore game developer
Bill Gardei â€" C65 systems engineer
Neil Harris â€" Commodore game developer and marketing
Manfred Kapp â€" Commodore cofounder
Dale Luck â€" Amiga developer
Bill Mensch â€" 6502 and 65816 designer
Dick Sanford â€" Chief Financial Officer of Commodore
Bill Seiler â€" PET, VIC-20 systems engineer/surfer
Kit Spencer â€" Commodore’s marketing guru
Yash Terakura â€" Commodore Japan engineer
Michael Tomczyk â€" VIC product manager and marketing
Plus additional fact-checking interviews with Chuck Peddle, Bil Herd and Bob Yannes. I did get a chance to talk with Jack Tramiel briefly but didn't get any new material from him unfortunately.

I don't want to ruin too many surprises, but I will mention a few things. First, thanks to John Feagans, an avid photographer, the book is populated with outstanding period photographs. One of the biggest surprises for me was finding out that current Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata started his career programming VIC-20 games for Commodore Japan. The book digs deeper into actor William Shatner’s association with Commodore and reveals some interesting tidbits. There is also a firsthand account of the horrifying PET Jet disaster. Lots of new changes like that.

The book will be available in stores in about a month. If you need it for Christmas, you can get it immediately from my publisher, Variant Press, which distributes signed copies from its website.
-----------------Original message--------------
From: Leif Bloomquist
Date: Wed Nov 17, 2010

The Toronto PET Users Group (TPUG) is pleased to announce the World of Commodore! TPUG would like to invite everyone to join us for a weekend of all things Commodore.

Facebook --

Happy Thanksgiving, C= and Ami aficionados!
     The Fresno Commodore User Group has its next meeting from 11 a.m. to 1+ p.m., Sunday, November 21, at

          The Pizza Pit Restaurant
          2705 N. Blackstone Ave. (corner of Blackstone and Princeton)
          Fresno, California

     This month we'll look at photos and video from the October 22-24 Amiwest Show.  There will be a demonstration of music synthesizer program, PetSynth, with a Commodore PET 4032 computer and MSD-SD1 disk drive with JiffyDOS (well, JiffyDOS is not really necessary with the PET).  Also we'll try to tie up any presentations not finished in September.  I hope Murphy's Law doesn't strike.  :)

          Bringing the massive PET 4040 drive
          was out-of-the-question,
          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

     It's been a long time in coming, but Brian Bagnall, author of the book, "On the Edge: the Spectacular Rise and Fall of Commodore", has confirmed that his new book, "Commodore: A Company on the Edge", is at the printer right now and will be shipped soon.  In fact, at there is page that says that Variant Press will release the book on December 15.  Just in time for Christmas!
     To see the initial announcement, go to

     Think of the new book as a second edition of On the Edge.  Here is what Brian had to say, "It was a long road and a lot of work to get the second edition into shape. There was so much new information from the 15 additional interviews and tons of pictures that I had to split the book into two parts. A Company on the Edge deals with the period up until Tramiel leaves and the second part (slated for 2012) will tell the post-Tramiel years with the Amiga. Each book deals with about a 10 year period, and a lot of players change in 1984 so it worked out to be a pretty good split."

          Robert Bernardo
          Fresno Commodore User Group

          The Other Group of Amigoids

          Southern California Commodore & Amiga Network

---------------- Original Message --------------
Subject: Reminder: PDX Commodore Users Group Meeting / Agenda
From:    "PDXCUG Admin" <pdxcug(at)>
Date:    Wed, November 10, 2010 10:56 pm


First, please note our new arrival time: 6:00 pm - this will give everyone
a chance to chat, set up, fix equipment, copy floppies or just visit
before the meeting begins.

- Thursday, November 11, 6:00 p.m.
- Sunset Lanes Lounge (just off Hwy 217 / Cedar Hills Blvd. Exit)
- For more info, see

- Gaming: Tons of games to try, featuring all your favorite arcade classics
- Presentation: Game development on the C64 using various tools
- Presentation: Getting Started with Development on a VIC-20
- Discussion: Joystick Switch Update
- Show & Tell: Various members show off their Commodore loot

Hardware that will be Available:
- Commodore 64
- PAL Commodore 64 / monitor
- VIC-20
- MSD Dual Disk Drive
- Comet64 Internet Modem
- sd2iec
- MMC64 with RR-NET
- C64NIC+
- Commodore Joystick Switch
- New Commodore hardware prototype

What to bring:
- Equipment that you want to share, diagnose, fix, or just show off
- Cool Commodore gear or software to show off
- Your significant other - plenty for all to do and enjoy

See you there,

PDXCUG is Portland's Official Commodore Users Group
Serving the greater metropolitan area - Portland, OR USA
Meetings every 2nd Thursday of the month
Twitter: @pdxcug
    On Sunday the 14th of November, there will be an extra Commodore, MSX, Atari, and Amiga show at a different location rather than the usual one -- Gemeenschapshuis Heilust, Kerkrade, the Netherlands -- from 10:00 until 16:00 o’clock. The show is organized by the HCC (Dutch) Commodore User Group.
    More info is at and

         Robert Bernardo
         Fresno Commodore User Group